Armin Ronacher

Blogs Published by Armin Ronacher

The Pain of Debugging WebAssembly

WASM can do some awesome things. But what’s not awesome? Debugging with WASM.
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Introducing Two-Factor Authentication

You can now use U2F devices (like yubikeys), Google Authenticator (or similar apps supporting TOTP), or SMS as second factor authentication.
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Sentry for HipChat Connect

Sentry is more useful when notifications arrive exactly where you want them. That’s why we’ve always put emphasis on supporting a wide range…
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rb: A Redis parallelization toolkit for Python

SDK Updates
We love Redis at Sentry. Since the early days it has driven many parts of our system, allowing users to improve error monitoring with rate…
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Rethinking Sentry's Documentation

If you have searched for the Sentry or integration docs lately you might have noticed that some things have changed. There are now…
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