Craig Grummitt

Blogs Published by Craig Grummitt

An iOS developer's first impressions of Flutter: Part 2

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Integrating third party dependencies in Flutter In the previous article in this series, we looked at my first impressions, as an iOS…
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An iOS developer's first impressions of Flutter: Part 1

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A little about myself I’ve been working in mobile app development since 2010, initially with Adobe AIR and PhoneGap, but for nearly ten…
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Converting Your iOS Application to Android: Part 3

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In the previous two articles we’ve looked at why you should consider converting your application to Android, considerations to be aware of…
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Converting Your iOS Application to Android: Part 2

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In my previous article, we looked at reasons for converting your iOS application to Android, and things you’ll want to consider when porting…
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Converting Your iOS Application to Android: Part 1

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One of the biggest catches of building applications with native tools is they only work on one platform, and migrating an application takes…
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