Liz Krane

Blogs Published by Liz Krane

Continuous Releases with Travis CI and Sentry

TravisCI is a hugely popular continuous integration tool, and we use it at Sentry! This post will show you how to configure TravisCI to automatically create Sentry Releases as part of your workflow.
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Automating Sentry Releases with CircleCI

Combine Sentry's CLI with CircleCI to automatically create Sentry releases and learn about some of our best features like identifying suspect commits that likely introduced new errors and applying source maps to see the original source code within Sentry.
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Debugging a Rust Segfault with Sentry

Error Monitoring
We set out to fix our native crash reporting service using our native crash reporting SDK. Learn more about debugging a Rust segfault here.
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Using GitHub Actions to Create Sentry Releases

At Sentry, we're big fans of continuous integration and deployment, and of course, GitHub. In this blog post, we'll walk through how to use GitHub Actions to automatically create Sentry releases.
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Customize Your Sentry Workflow: A Sample Internal Integration

Error Monitoring
See an example of how you can create a round-robin-style integration as an Internal Integration.
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Tools This Engineer Uses: Meetup, Glitch, Anki, (Actual) Paper

In our Tools This Engineer Uses series, we explore the routines, systems, and tools people rely on to solve problems and accomplish goals.
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Kickstarting Sentry Meetups with Community Show-and-Tell Night

Sentry's new Developer Advocate is kicking off our new event series.
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