React.js Performance Guide

Which JS framework is the most performant? React, Vue, Svelte, Angular,…? When trying to answer this question, we often get lost in comparing benchmarks for reactivity, bundle size, memory usage and other factors.
Of course we want to choose the best framework to create performant apps! But your app will only benefit from framework performance if you also follow best practices for performance optimization of web apps in general, and React apps in particular.
So, where to start? What impacts performance, and how to speed up your apps #madewithreactjs? In this guide, we’re going through the basics of performance optimization for React apps, and list some tools and resources that will help you dive deeper into this topic.
Why you should invest in performance
Performance = Better user experience
Nobody has time for slow apps. People want to get things done fast – your app is their tool. Performance helps you build trust in your app and brand, and create a good experience.
Performance = Better conversion & retention rates
A good user experience boosts your conversion and retention rates (= how many people sign up and keep using your app). That way, performance is directly contributing to your app's success.
Performance = SEO
Search engines rank performant pages higher, and they also take user engagement into account. If your users stay longer because they can find what they need efficiently, it will impact your SEO performance positively.
Performance = Better scaleability & lower cost
A codebase that follows performance best practices is easier to maintain and scale when things are getting more complex, and will cause less infrastructure costs.
8 common React performance problems & how to fix them
When we’re talking about performance, we usually mean metrics measuring our app’s load time and responsiveness.
Load time
describes how long it takes to load all the code and assets we need. We’re measuring it with metrics like FCP (first contentful paint), LCP (largest contentful paint) or TTI (time to interactive). Load-time issues are mostly not caused by React-specific code.
runtime performance
describes everything that has to do with smooth (re-)rendering. The performance of your React code is a big factor in this. We can measure transaction durations with profiling and monitoring tools, or look at frame rates, CPU or memory usage.
We need to take both of these performance indicators into account if we want to develop apps that load and feel fast. So let's explore some common problems and their React-specific (and non React-specific) solutions!
1️⃣ Large bundle size
The larger your app is, the longer it takes to load. While that sounds obvious, it’s one of the areas where we usually get big performance wins, quickly. Our goal is always to send as little code (and other assets) as possible.
Use and optimize a bundler
: Bundlers like Webpack or Vite support many performance-critical features like code splitting, minification, tree-shaking, module bundling, dependency optimization, asset optimization out of the box. If you use Webpack, don’t forget to set the mode to
to make use of its optimizations, or check the official
Vite performance recommendations
Optimize your dependencies:
Review and remove imported libraries that cause unnecessary bloat using tools like bundle analyzers / visualizers, and routinely check the cost of third party code before adding it in the first place.
Enable Gzip or Brotli compression
in your web server config (which is usually enabled by default if you use a CDN).
2️⃣ Unoptimized assets
As we have learned, unoptimized assets impact our bundle size. Optimizing images, media and fonts and delivering them efficiently will usually make your app load significantly faster.
Optimize images:
Use modern image formats like WebP, which uses a more efficient compression algorithm compared to JPG or PNG. Resize and compress your images automatically during your build process, and use responsive image techniques (like
img srcset
) to load images in the correct resolution.
Optimize fonts:
All web fonts impact your performance load time-wise, and during rendering. Only load fonts you really need (using the WOFF2 format if possible), and optimize your font files by discarding characters you don’t need (using e.g.
if you self-host your fonts).
Question the necessity of design choices
like large media slideshows or 6 different font styles, pointing out performance implications to the designers on your team.
3️⃣ Unnecessary and slow re-renders
Re-renders are often costly and slow. We want to keep an eye on the frequency, performance and timing of re-renders in our apps.
Check for slow renders and bottlenecks
by analyzing your runtime performance with tools like the performance panel of the Chrome DevTools. (See the tools list below!)
Check for unnecessary update cascades
caused by nested component structures.
Use memoization techniques to avoid small component changes triggering unnecessary re-renders. React Compiler will take over a lot of this work automatically, minimizing unnecessary re-renders for simple components – but you might still need to use manual memoization for more complex scenarios.
lets you
, preventing re-renders of child components when their props have not changed
lets you
lets you cache function definitions
Use virtualization
for large lists to to speed up your initial and re-renders.
Use immutable data
(instead of mutating data structures directly) to help React to determine what data has changed and reduce unnecessary re-renders.
Define functions outside of the render scope. (Else, a new instance of that function will be created every time the component re-renders!)
4️⃣ Inefficient state & component structure
As your app grows, you might find that you ended up with monolithic components that handle too many responsibilities, and props getting passed through multiple layers of nested component trees. This also causes costly re-renders throughout your UI, making your app feel slow and harder to maintain.
Split your components wisely:
(Re-)structure your components into small, focused units with well-defined responsibilities. This gives you way better control about which parts of the UI will re-render after a component update.
Make use of
avoid unnecessary element wrappers
. It allows you to group a list of children without adding extra nodes to the DOM.
Use the
to avoid prop drilling.
It lets you
share data across nested components
Avoid storing too much data in your global state
, and instead keep the state as localized as possible (= close to where you need it) for more efficiency. That prevents parts of your UI to re-render tue to changes that don’t even affect them.
Use state managers:
For more complex apps, state management libraries like Redux, or more lightweight alternatives like
can give you more control about state if you start to struggle with managing updates. That way, you can subscribe your components only to the data they need.
5️⃣ Too many requests & network latency
Efficient data fetching and asset delivery can speed up load times and prevent an unresponsive UI whenever new data is coming in.
Avoid unnecessary API requests:
Don’t re-fetch data if it hasn’t changed, and reuse previously fetched data for repeated requests. Use libraries like
to manage and cache API requests efficiently.
Avoid blocking or synchronous requests delaying rendering:
Batch multiple requests into a single one, or parallelize them using
. Load blocking scripts asynchronously using the
Throttle and debounce events:
Throttling and debouncing are used to control the rate at which functions are executed to prevent updates from happening too frequently. We want to
the frequency of updates reacting to scrolling, window resizing or mouse movements, and we can
the execution of a search until the user has stopped typing (to e.g. 300ms after their last keystroke). You can use the
hooks from the useHooks library for this.
Avoid extensive user tracking:
Yes, user data is great to make your app better, but tracking scripts and excessive analytics will slow down your app significantly. Client-heavy tracking solutions are usually bloated and make repeated requests. Batch events sent to analytics servers to minimize requests.
Use server-side rendering (SSR) or static site generation (SSG)
: Fetching data on the server during build / request time makes sure that the content is rendered with all necessary data already. (This doesn’t work for every use case, of course, but maybe a hybrid approach might fit?)
Use a CDN to deliver content more efficiently
, by serving your users from a geographically close server.
6️⃣ Unnecessary resource usage
Sometimes we waste resources with too many, or inefficient operations, causing slow rendering, high memory usage and a slow or unresponsive UI.
Use Web Workers for CPU-intensive tasks:
to move tasks like sorting or filtering of request results, or processing images off the main thread, so the UI can run without being blocked.
Avoid memory leaks
: Uncleaned resources like obsolete event listeners or timers can lead to memory leaks, increasing resource usage over time. Ensure that
hooks return a cleanup function to remove them when your components unmount or update.
Use CSS instead of JS animations:
Animating elements using JS can be resource-intensive and often block the main thread. CSS animations on the other hand run on the GPU instead, and won’t disturb rendering or user interactions. They are a better choice for smooth transitions, scaling, rotation and element movements.
7️⃣ Inefficient loading strategies
Some resources are more important than others. Everything that is needed to quickly finish the initial rendering should ideally be loaded first – but often we unwittingly block the main thread with non-essential scripts, slowing everything down. Being smart about loading assets and resources will make our apps feel a lot more performant.
Avoid loading all JS and CSS upfront:
To avoid a slow initial rendering, use code splitting (Webpack or Vite can split your code by route or component), and consider inlining critical CSS in the
section of your HTML.
Load components on demand
: Use
to lazy-load components like modals or dropdowns, and use
to show placeholders / a fallback UI while waiting.
Don’t load what you don’t need (yet)
: Use virtualization to only render the visible portion of large data lists, and use the
API to defer loading sections or heavy content like video embeds or charts until they come into the viewport.
Prioritize critical resources, deprioritize non-essential ones:
Use the
directive to prioritize assets (like fonts), and use
to load resources that will likely be needed for future interactions during idle time. Cache assets, so your users don’t have to download them multiple times.
8️⃣ Slow perceived performance
What loads fast, and what feels fast to the user is not the same. Users perceive apps to be slow due to delays in rendering, lack of immediate responsiveness to interaction or layout shifts.
Use concurrent rendering (cautiously):
Concurrent Mode lets you interrupt non-urgent rendering tasks (using the
hook) and prioritize more important updates to make your UI feel more responsive. Use it for example when updates like filtering or searching through a dataset while the user is typing slows things down, and you want to prioritize the user interaction to keep it smooth. (Too) enthusiastic usage of concurrent rendering can cause unwanted re-renders, so always check its impact with the developer tools / profiler.
Minimize layout shifts:
Layout shifts occur when elements like images or ads load after the initial content and the layout jumps around – captured with the cumulative layout shift (CLS) metric that is part of the
. In the worst case, you’re yanking text away that your user has already been reading. (Have you visited a recipe blog, recently? Then you know how annoying this is!) Instead, reserve space for images, videos and dynamic content using fixed element dimensions.
Provide content previews:
If you need time to load e.g. data of a feed, use skeleton loaders or placeholders to give users an impression of the content that is being loaded. You know this from social media sites – it’s tested to lower frustration with loading times.
Give feedback about loading processes:
Users might think your app is unresponsive if you just freeze up the page whenever an action takes time (e.g. form submissions or API calls). Show a loading spinner or other status message.
Don’t over-animate:
Don’t overuse transitions, especially for repeated interactions – it may be nice the first time, but annoying afterwards. Also, don’t set animation durations for interactions longer than 300ms.
Tools to measure & improve React performance
📊 Measuring performance
„We can’t optimize what we don’t measure.“ There are many tools that help you to audit the current state of your React app performance:
Chrome Performance panel:
Access the
performance tab of your Chrome DevTools
and record interactions to get a detailed timeline of scripting, rendering and paint events. It helps you detect the cause of slow page loads caused by rendering delays or layout shifts.
Lighthouse / Lighthouse CI:
(Automatically) audit performance, accessibility, SEO and other best practices with
Lighthouse performance scoring
. It shows you how your app scores for metrics like FCP (first contentful paint) and TTI (time to interactice). You can start an audit in the Chrome DevTools, or use the
to integrate it in your pipeline.
React DevTools Profiler:
Use the Profiler tab in your
to capture profiling data about the rendering behavior of your components. It visualizes the time spent rendering each component. This lets you debug slow ones, and optimize your hierarchy.
: To see how your site performs on slower networks and at different geographic locations, run a test with
Google PageSpeed Insights & Analytics
: Get results for the metrics included in the
. It also shows how your site performs on different devices. Alternatively, you can get real-world data from your users in your Google Analytics dashboard. With Google Analytics, you can also
track the performance of custom events
Load test
: With load testing tools like
(both OSS) or
, you can identify performance bottlenecks that occur under heavy traffic.
🐞 Debugging performance
To investigate issues during development, you can make use of these tools:
Measure the rendering performance of specific components by wrapping them in a
: This tool notifies you about potential unnecessary rerenders in your app #madewithreactjs or React Native, and lets you track rerenders of specific components.
automatically identifies performance issues and highlights components that you should optimize. It’s easy to integrate, as there are no code changes needed
is an IDE extension that automatically detects (React) code that impacts your performance and suggests ways to improve it.
Bundle Analyzers:
Identify large third-party libraries that have an impact your bundle size with the bundle analyzer tools of
🔍️ Monitoring performance
If you want to keep track of your app’s performance over time and in real-world scenarios, it makes sense to implement a monitoring service.
Performance monitoring is included in most full-stack application monitoring products. Adding one of them to your apps makes sure you’ll get notified immediately if your users experience an issue – e.g. a temporarily slow API call causing a bottleneck.
There are many different services available that offer React integrations, providing detailed information about component performance. Personally, we're fans of Sentry for React. (Disclaimer: Sentry is a sponsor of, but we’ve been using them for our projects forever!)
Sentry reports errors as they happen, and collects contextual information that helps you to fix them.