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Sentry 8 starts rolling out this week

Ben Vinegar image

Ben Vinegar -

Earlier this month we announced a brand new version of Sentry, “version 8”.

Besides a brand new look and feel, Sentry 8 introduces some powerful new error monitoring, including:

  • Release tracking
  • User assignment
  • Event merging
  • And much more …

Not only have we been dogfooding Sentry 8 for the past few months, but so have 20% of Sentry users, who’ve given us a steady supply of bug reports, feedback, and thumbs ups. We’ve been iterating rapidly over the past few weeks to get Sentry 8 ready for a wider release, and after hundreds of bug fixes and improvements, we feel that day has come.

Starting today, we are going to begin opting-in groups of Sentry organizations into Sentry 8.

We realize that there may still be edge cases we haven’t caught, so if you come across a critical issue that is interrupting your workflow, we’ve got good news – you will be able to temporarily opt-out of the new version. Our goal is to have everybody on Sentry 8 by the start of September.

That’s it! Keep an eye out for opt-in emails, and as always, feedback is greatly appreciated. Please don’t hesitate to contact us.


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