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12 Days of Integrations — GitHub

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Dena Mwangi -

12 Days of Integrations — GitHub

It’s that time of year again… The leaves have fallen from the trees, every department store is playing “All I Want for Christmas is You” on a loop, and I can finally justify wearing that hand-knit beanie I bought on Etsy (even though I live in California).

To celebrate, Sentry is highlighting twelve of our many integrations with an ornament hung with care each day on our festive Sen-Tree. We hope you return every day to enjoy these GIFs with your holiday feast, egg nog, Manischewitz, or pour-over artisan coffee.

Our third featured integration is GitHub.

Over the ages, humankind has pushed code through a rich variety of methods. For example, engineers among early hominids used a series of grunts and punches to make updates to the very first fires (most of which were written in a precursor to C. I believe they called it BC).

Even with the foggy distance of history, what these cave folk did is not all too far removed from the much more modern (and awesome) lasso tricks Old West engineers performed to release the code needed to properly dig a well. Nor is it all that far removed, for that matter, from using a kind of digital typewriter connected to what is essentially an intelligent television set to release JavaScript updates that allow customers to purchase novelty Star Wars glassware from your website.

In our modern world, more code is pushed through GitHub than through any other system. You know GitHub. You probably use GitHub. It has by far the most recognizable logo / mascot in the tech industry with the Octocat (brought to prominence by Sentry’s very own Creative Director) and is among the 50 most popular sites on the internet according to Alexa. Considering GitHub is very specifically for developers, this is remarkable.

Our integration with GitHub enables you to do several things beyond our usual error tracking and monitoring:

Issue owner

Suggested owner of an issue

  • Augment errors with commit data. You can see exactly which commit (with the files that were changed) that led to the error, along with a suggested owner who is likely best suited to fix it.

  • Easy error resolution. When you push out a fix, you can resolve errors in Sentry super efficiently by including fixes ISSUE_ID in your commit message.

  • Issue creation. Create a GitHub issue directly from an issue in Sentry with a click of a button.

How does it work?

There are several ways to integrate GitHub with Sentry:

Via SSO:

Our GitHub integration will authenticate against all your organizations, and then prompt you for which of those organizations you’d like to use to restrict access.

Or if you’d like to be able to create issues in GitHub based on Sentry events:

Enable GitHub

Enabling GitHub in settings

  • Go to the Project in Sentry that you’d like to link with GitHub. Then go to Project Settings
  • Click All Integrations, find the GitHub integration in the list, and click configure
  • Click Enable Plugin
  • Fill in the required information and Save Changes
  • Done! The option to create and link GitHub issues will be displayed from your Sentry issue pages

If you don’t already have a Sentry account, you can also connect us to GitHub by creating an account directly through the GitHub marketplace or via GitHub’s Student Developer Pack.

GitHub is great. Sentry is great. You are great. Let’s all work together on your next commit.


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