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12 Days of Partners — StackShare

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Mimi Nguyen -

12 Days of Partners — StackShare

It’s that time of year again… The leaves have fallen from the trees, every department store is playing “All I Want for Christmas is You” on a loop, and I can finally justify wearing that hand-knit beanie I bought on Etsy (even though I live in California and wear it almost every single day anyway).

To celebrate, Sentry is highlighting twelve of our many partners with an ornament hung with care each day on our festive Sen-Tree. We hope you return every day to enjoy these GIFs with your holiday feast, egg nog, Manischewitz, pour-over artisan coffee, or pour-under artisan coffee.

As you likely discerned from their name, StackShare provides a neutral space for developers to share their experience with and suggestions about the tools they use in their stack. It’s a community where the best tools and services are surfaced along with who is using them and why. We wrote a detailed article on StackShare late last year detailing our own stack.

And that’s why our fourth featured partner is StackShare.

While it’s great to know exactly which tools a team or person uses in their stack, it can be even more useful to learn why they made the decision to choose a particular tool in the first place. That’s why StackShare introduced Stack Decisions. And continuing StackShare’s tradition of giving things names that acurately describe what they do, Stack Decisions enable developers to dive into why they made a decision to use a particular tool that is part of their stack.

Stack Decisions are similar to reviews, except you’re strongly encourage to share an example of an actual problem you faced while tagging ALL the tools that actively helped you find a solution. Each contribution gives developers (in StackShare and beyond) a glimpse into the technology that is most important to you.

You can probably see where this is going, yeah? We would like to encourage you to use Stack Decisions to share how Sentry helped you solve an actual problem in the past.

StackShare Stack Decisions

Oh, look. A very informative example of Stack Decisions.

We agree with Yonas Beshawred, the CEO and founder of StackShare, when he points out that “this matters because today the reality is that the code you choose not to write is often times just as important as the code you do write.”

Learn more about some of Sentry’s other various partners and integrations on our aptly named Integrations page.


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